Sad Poems : Alcoholic Poet: She Can See Best When Blind Sad Poetry.

Alcoholic Poet. Poetry Equals Distance Over Time.

Distance Over Time
Monday 4/07/2008 11:58:00 PM

The glove in her stare coming off slowly. Words. Numb fingers learning to feel again. As the sun begins to punctuate life's steady stream of ghastly adjectives. Not a verb to spare. For skin exposed. Damaged. Unable to learn anymore.

Sickness packaged as cures. Always. And especially for the hopeless.

Her grin menstrual. Giving birth in empty coughs. Of things neither alive nor dead. Headless dolls left in convenient cradles. Anticipating birth in puddles of vomit. And abortions not completed.

There is only one kind of drunk. And this it is. Knowing it never mattered.

Arguing with the glass in the window. Trying to tell it that it's black, but it won't believe you.

Dämmerung Anblick said...

i have a difficult time understanding your poetry, probably because i'm either too dumb or too shallow.

but it seems to me that you suffer too much. do you like to suffer?

alcholic poet said...

it needn't be understood. just felt. which is understanding at its most primal level.

suffer is a strong word. makes me think of starving children.

everyone has grief in their lives sometimes. what i write about are memories. not current events. mostly.

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