Sad Poems : Alcoholic Poet: Clay Sad Poetry.

Alcoholic Poet. Poetry Equals Distance Over Time.

Distance Over Time
Thursday 12/01/2005 10:50:00 PM

Turnstyles in the heart seat memories one rotation at a time. You drink because then it's so much easier to listen to the noise of all those passengers passing through them.

Because the truth is you don't want them to go anywhere. But go they still do. To places you can't follow. To destinations you wish you knew.

It just kinda happens. You wake up one morning and you're not who you were the night before. Soft habits harden and you can break them, but you just keep wishing they were still soft. Like they used to be. When you could still mold them into the shapes that you saw fit.

It just happens. Like everything in life does. Not with a shout, but rather with a whisper.

You could break it. But then all you would have is the pieces. And what to do with them?

Anonymous said...

Your writing is just amazing...
Not only that I am a fellow alcoholic unwanting to quit, but I also understand good writing when it hits me out of the blue.
An observation: You must be lesbian! No heterosexual woman I've ever met feels this intensely, only lesbians.

alcholic poet said...


"You must be a lesbian!" got a nice laugh from that one.

'fraid not. not hetero either though. Caught somewhere between.

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