Sad Poems : Alcoholic Poet: Hope Sad Poetry.

Alcoholic Poet. Poetry Equals Distance Over Time.

Distance Over Time
Tuesday 10/11/2005 12:22:00 AM

So four beers into the night (at 12:23am) I'm debating whether I should rush chill another. No more cold ones left, the freezer is looking very much like my savior.

I spent the better part of today at blogexplosion. Voted for a lot of blogs and won a lot of credits. Put one of my other blogs up to the challenge twice. And was extremely surprised when i won both times.

It's not arrogance when I say I know i write well, It's been affirmed over and over from various sources. Sometimes it truly is crap, but no one is perfect. All in all, I don't seek to write what people will enjoy, so much as just what feels right. And I always presumed the words I choose. The topics I frequent were more offputting than they were brilliant. That's probably true. Those blogexplosion voters just do it on a whim. I know I've only retained memory of one blog out of the counltess I've visited in the voting process.

But I'm an alcoholic. What's your excuse.

Sad thing is, there are not enough beers in the world. let alone my fridge, to make the concept of every tom, jane and jeremiah blogging any less sickening.

Especially those blogs on religion.

God won't be there when you're drunk. God won't be there when you're sober. The only time god will be there is when you're so desperate that even an alcholoic has more hope.


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